Prof. Dr. Ali EKİZ

Prof. Dr. Ali EKİZ

Gynecology and Perinatology (Risky Pregnancy) Specialist

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Follow-up of Pregnant Women with Anomalous Babies

How to Follow-up Pregnant Women with Babies with Anomalies?

Newborn babies may have abnormal features. These abnormalities are called congenital anomalies. This is one of the top concerns for parents. Anomalies that occur during the period before birth can be detected by a detailed ultrasound performed by a perinatology specialist. So, how is the follow-up of pregnant women with an anomaly baby done? The answer to all your questions is with you in the rest of our article.

What is Anomaly in Pregnancy?

All disorders and disabilities that will affect the physical appearance of the developing baby in the mother’s womb or the functioning of organs and systems when it is born are called anomaly.

Anomaly is found in 3% to 5% of babies during pregnancies. This may affect the baby’s appearance physically or cause disability and disorder that will disrupt the function of organs and systems. This condition is also called fetal anomaly.

What Is Considered In Anomaly Scanning?

Detailed Ultrasound is the most important part of anomaly scanning. Fetal anomaly screening is done between 20 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. In this scan, the baby’s organs in the womb can be viewed in detail. In fetal anomaly screening, all organs and systems are examined in more detail. We can list the organs and systems examined in fetal anomaly screening as follows:

• Baby’s central nervous system (spinal cord, brain)

• Face, eyes, lips, palate

• Heart and heart-related vessels

• Thoracic cage and lungs,

• Diaphragm

• Stomach and intestinal system

• Anterior abdominal wall

• Kidneys and bladder

• Arms, legs and skeletal system

• Hands, feet and fingers

• Spine

• Placenta

• Cord

• Amniotic fluid amount

• Cervical opening and length

What are the Most Common Anomalies in Pregnancy?

It is possible to list the most common types of anomalies during pregnancy as follows:

• Heart Anomalies: The most common is the heart hole, that is, the VSD.

• Central nervous system anomalies: The most common one is NTD (neural tube defect), that is, spinal opening.

• Kidney Anomalies: pyelectasis, ie enlargement of the kidney canal, is the most common symptom.

• Diaphragmatic hernia

• Esophagus anomalies

• Small and large intestine anomalies

What are Anomaly Screening Tests?

Congenital anomalies are found in approximately 3% to 5% of fetuses and newborns. This condition is seen as the cause of approximately 25% of newborn infant deaths. Congenital anomalies can occur as isolated or combined defects. It can affect one or more organ systems. Congenital anomalies; It can be caused by genetic, environmental, nutritional and infection. However, it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

Most of the congenital structural anomalies can be detected in the womb. Some of these anomalies are seen as fatal, severe disabilities or disabilities that cause severe mental retardation. In this case, the termination of pregnancy can be discussed by talking with the family. In addition, the treatment and follow-up of the fetus in the womb increases the survival rate of the babies and reduces the problems that may develop. Being prepared in advance for some anomalies also prevents the death rate and possible complications.

All pregnant women and prospective parents who are considering pregnancy should know that the most important step in anomaly screening is a detailed ultrasound performed by a perinatology specialist.

Examples of fetuses with anomalies that require special follow-up?

Great artery transposition

This is a major heart anomaly. It is caused by the wrong exit of the main great vessels coming out of the heart. In these pregnancies, other valve problems or rhythm disorders may occur during follow-up. Therefore, follow-up should be done by a perinatologist. More important is the birth plan. If these babies are diagnosed in the womb and appropriate follow-up and appropriate birth planning is done, postpartum emergency open heart surgery should be performed. If successful surgery is performed, babies can lead normal lives. Sudden postpartum death of these babies is the most common situation if the diagnosis is not made in the womb.

NTD (neural tube defect)

It is the condition that the spine is not fully developed in the mother’s womb and remains open. Because the spine remains open, the baby’s brain is also affected. If these babies are treated with open surgery in the womb, it is highly likely that the babies will lead a near normal life.

PUV (Posterior urethral valve)

In these babies, there is a stenosis after the bladder and the baby cannot urinate in the womb and the kidneys swell. This condition is called hydronephrosis. In these babies, a procedure called vesicoamniotic shunt can be performed in the mother’s womb to ensure that the urine comes out of the abdomen. Thus, the functions of the baby’s kidneys can be preserved in the womb. The baby is operated by pediatric urologists after birth. It can be ensured that he continues his normal life.


You can make your appointment with Perinatology (Risky Pregnancy) Specialist Prof. Dr. Ali Ekiz via the WhatsApp button.

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