With over 15 years of professional experience, dozens of national and international research articles, and most importantly, his smiling face, Gynecology and Perinatology Specialist Prof. Dr. Ali EKİZ is with you.
What is Pregnancy Follow-up for Those with Coagulation Disorder? How to Track?
Coagulation disorder is an important issue during pregnancy. This is because; coagulation disorder brings with it risks that should be taken into account for the health of the mother and the baby. Women with coagulation disorders are at high risk, which requires careful monitoring during pregnancy. In this case, pregnancy follow-up should be done by a perinatologist, and the follow-up process should be customized according to individual needs and the patient’s condition. In this article, we have compiled what you need to know about coagulation disorder.
How is Pregnancy Follow-up Performed in Those with Coagulation Disorder?
The main purpose of pregnancy follow-up is to protect the health of mother and baby and to minimize complications. We can list the follow-up steps in pregnancies with coagulation disorders as follows:
• Advance Counseling: During pregnancy planning, women with coagulation disorders should consult with a specialist hematologist or perinatologist. This allows assessment of the current situation, preconception treatment arrangements and exchange of information about potential risks.
• Regular Follow-up and Control: Regular controls should be made throughout the pregnancy process. In these controls, blood coagulation functions and other important blood tests are regularly monitored.
• Blood Tests: Regular blood tests are done before and during pregnancy. Blood coagulation functions are checked regularly to monitor coagulation processes and regulate treatment.
• Anticoagulants: Some women with coagulation disorders may take low-dose anticoagulants during pregnancy to regulate blood clotting processes. However, this treatment should be monitored and managed by a qualified physician.
• Diet and Movement: A healthy eating plan and regular exercise can help regulate blood circulation and the risk of clotting during pregnancy.
• Management of Risk Factors: Women with coagulation disorders should avoid possible risk factors during pregnancy. Factors such as prolonged inactivity, smoking, and being overweight can increase the risk of clots.
• Well-Planned Birth and Postpartum Care: Appropriate measures should be taken to manage the blood coagulation disorder when planning pregnancy and delivery. Regular follow-up and appropriate care are also important after birth.
• Postpartum Follow-up: Regular follow-up continues after birth. Women with coagulation disorders should also be followed in the postpartum period to monitor their blood coagulation processes.
Every woman’s coagulation disorder is different, and pregnancy follow-up should be tailored to individual needs. For this reason, women with coagulation disorders can have a healthy pregnancy process and minimize possible risks by collaborating with a special healthcare team.
What Are the Possible Risks of Coagulation Disorder?
Coagulation disorder is a definition that refers to conditions such as blood clotting faster than normal or dissolving more slowly than normal. Expectant mothers with coagulation disorders have an increased risk of developing blood clots. Here are some of the potential risks for women with clotting disorders during pregnancy:
• DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis): DVT is a condition in which blood clots form in the deep veins that usually occur in the legs or pelvis area. Expectant mothers who have a clotting disorder during pregnancy have a higher risk of DVT.
• Pulmonary Embolism (PE): PE is the name given to the condition when the blood clot reaches the lungs. It can be associated with DVT and is also known as a life-threatening condition.
• Preeclampsia and Eclampsia: Preeclampsia is known as a condition in which high blood pressure, deterioration in kidney functions and other organs are affected. Eclampsia is a severe form of preeclampsia and can cause seizures. Women with coagulation disorders are at risk for preeclampsia and eclampsia.
• Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Expectant mothers with coagulation disorders are at risk of recurrent pregnancy losses. Blood clots can prevent the placenta from working well during pregnancy, leading to pregnancy loss. The most important example of these is the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
• Fetal Growth Restriction: A coagulation disorder can affect the placenta’s ability to provide adequate oxygen and nutrients, resulting in growth restriction for the baby.
For such reasons, expectant mothers with coagulation disorders should be carefully monitored and treated against these risks during pregnancy. In such cases, pregnancies should be managed by a Perinatology specialist.
You can make your appointment with Perinatology (Risky Pregnancy) Specialist Prof. Dr. Ali Ekiz via the WhatsApp button.